New Year, SOS

Those of you who know me know that SOS in my world is not a cry for help.  It means "same old stuff."  Just because the calendar says it's a new beginning, doesn't mean my life agrees.  I have started a new semester at school, but only the classes are new; not the experience.  I arrived in my first class this morning and found my best friend's ex-husband sitting in the front row.  I refuse to ask the Lord for strength, because I might beat him if I get it!  Instead, I'll ask for peace, because sharing space with this man is a test to my patience and state of mind in the worst way.  I will not elaborate since it is not my story to tell, but needless to say, I don't like the man.

In other areas of my life, things are going well.  I'm planning a surprise birthday party for my mother and I cannot wait to see her face that evening.  I have many things up my sleeve in store for her and I know she will love all of them!  My brother is getting married in May, and my thoughts keep turning to that event.  I'm excited for him and his fiance.  I am happy his life is going well and thrilled at the new, positive outlook he has.  Overall, I'd say things are as good as they can be at the moment.  I will strive to keep them that way.
